Testimonial From Practitioners
Dr. Rama
The WMQ course has been well conceived and reflects a high element of preparatory planning. I was tremendously impressed by the enthusiasm and commitment of the participants. I feel strongly that WMQ can be a world-wide health & therapeutic movements along the lines of Reiki, Pranic Healing and Universal Energy.
Dr. Rama is very well respected scientist and trained in many forms of energy and complimentary therapies, he practices Qigong under Master Tan since 2003
Great training with lots of useful information. The notes are well done. Master Tan is very friendly and willing to share his knowledge and experience. I can now include Qigong in my Tai Chi and martial art training.
(Erik is a qualified traditional Bone Setting master and Chiropractor; graduated from RMIT, Canton Wushu Research Centre, Wushu Academy of Shenzhen, Wushu Research Centre of Guilin. He is the Principal & Chief Instructor of Hapkune-Do (7th generation). He won many World and International Wushu and Kung-Fu competition. He has Martial Art branches through out Malaysia, England, Italy, USA and Australia)
Master Erik Leong