Testimonials For Courses > Qigong Essentials Course
Ooi, (M), Age 30+
(M), Age 30+
I benefited a lot from Wellness Medical Qigong as it has helped to alleviate some of my health problems which I have suffered for more than a year, my physical problems are as follows:
(1) I have irritable bowel movements (IBS); it has been cleared after just one week of practicing Wellness Qigong.
(2) Indigestion problem, which always produced a lot of gas after food.
- The problem no longer exists after the training.
I have heard about Qigong but have had doubts about it. Now that I have experienced Qigong, I can safely add this to my regular exercise regime for my well-being. I can also advise my family members and friends on general health maintenance.
Finally, I can introduce others who have health problems to Master Tan. I can now practice Qigong in the park on my own.
Lim ML, (M), Age 50+
(M), Age 50+
Steven Lim (Johor, Malaysia)
(Johor, Malaysia)
I wish to THANK YOU and your wife for the wonderful time and your unselfish sharing of Qigong knowledge with all of us on Saturday and Sunday. To be honest with you, I feel that I have gained a lot from the two days of my time with you.
I have been practicing qigong (two other types of qigong) since 1984. I am confident that your Qigong Essentials course and Wellness Qigong set of exercises will definitely help to build up one's health if practiced regularly. Rome was not built in a day and therefore to experience results, I believe it would take a while if we practice it religiously.
Your willingness to share with us is something that I admire and I salute you for this. I sincerely hope all those out there who are busy looking for wealth should spend sometime with you and master Qigong. After all what is wealth without health? I hope this message would reach the so-called busy people.
Thank you again, Sifu.
Note: Steven have been practicing Qigong for more twenty years. He is a qualified and experienced Qigong Instructor.
I really enjoyed the Healing Sounds Qigong. The relaxation technique is excellent. For me, just being in this environment for two days has enhanced my awareness of Qi.
Anna Muresu, Australian
Jennie Baker, UK
Well conceived, informative, very enjoyable training. Flow of content and teaching easy to understand. Peaceful and calming atmosphere. Excellent teaching
The course is well structured from concept to theory and practical. The exercises are simple and effective. The final exercises are well planned of and give participants the feel of Qi and how to control Qi.
Chang KL, (M), Age-40+
(M), Age-40+
Ong KL, (M), Age-40+
(M), Age-40+
I have a better understanding of what our body function and physical well-being. With proper training and practice, I have no doubt we can all achieve physical wellness. Sifu Tan is a teacher who can deliver Qigong training effectively to all sorts people.